B.Sc Operation Theatre & Anaesthesia Technology

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DURATION : 4 Years (3 Years + 1 Year Internship)

B.Sc Operation Theatre and Anaesthesia Technology is a job oriented course. The course is identified with all the work and management of the operation theatre. The program prepares candidates for managing the patients and in addition to observing the intricate detail of an operation theatre. During the study, the candidates are responsible for caring for all the surgical instruments and additionally their disinfection and sterilization. Candidates help the specialist amid operations and nearly take care of the medications, anesthetic gases, curtains, and sterilization necessities during surgery. The knowledge gained by the students through B.Sc. in Anaesthesia Technology helps them in choosing the right anaesthetic treatment for a patient and its dosage.


Career in Anesthesiology is one of the most useful areas in the field of healthcare. There are many job opportunities for the Anesthesiologist. They will get the employment in medical universities, public sectors, outpatient care center, specialty hospital, offices of physicians. The requirement of Anesthesiologists is increasing not only in India but also in foreign countries. Other opportunities may exist in military, research field, etc.