B.Sc - Radiography and Imaging Technology

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B.Sc - Radiography and Imaging Technology


DURATION : 4 Years (3 Years + 1 Year Internship)

AERB approved B.Sc Radiography And Imaging Technology course is designed for the students to learn about Radiography and Imaging techniques, Conventional and modern radiographic equipment and carry out the whole of diagnostic procedure in an ethical way.

Students graduated as B.Sc Radiography And Imaging Technology have job opportunities as Radiology assistant, Radiographer, Ultrasound Technician, Sonographer, MRI Technician, R&D Lab Technician, Technical Executives, Medical Technicians, X-RayTechnician, CAT Technologists.


Radiology is one of the most promising career options in the paramedical field. Employment prospects for radiographers are good, both within the country and overseas. With health services increasing leaps and bounds, radiographers are constantly in demand in nursing homes, hospitals, diagnostic centers as well as Super-Speciality hospitals. Students with an instinct to learn can do higher studies in specialized field of study and can progress as scientists and even can enjoy faculty positions in academic institutions. After successful completion of program a student will be capable of holding assignments in hospital and health care institutions, research laboratories and diagnostic centers. In India, radiographers can work both in private & government hospitals. Jobs are available on part time and full-time work.